We provide: On-Site Service Manatee and Sarasota, FL We come to your situation and fix your pc on an hourly basis. Pickup and Repair Service Manatee and Sarasota, FL We will come to your situation, spend some time with you to determine the problem, and take it to our facility for repair. Afterwards the technician will return with your system and set it up.
Jennifer Keith Hord — The team at Computer Gurus are the best! Not only are they sharp and professional, they're pretty friendly, too! Tech changes
Are You a Small Business Owner Who is Tired of Waiting Around for Your Current Computer Guy to Call You Back, Follow Up, and Fix Your Computer? Are You Concerned About the Security of Your Data? Would You Like to Find a Way to Offload the Headaches and Frustration of Computer Problems Finally and Forever?
James Mortan — Outstanding customer service Dave walked me through my problem with ease