Raize Software has been providing high-quality, innovative developer tools since 1995. Complementing their line of user interface components, debugging and application logging tools, and utilities is top notch technical support and outstanding customer service. Raize Software provides tools for the Windows platform and the Microsoft.
The CodeSite Logging System gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing, enabling them to locate problems more quickly and monitor how well their code is performing. Developers instrument their code using CodeSite loggers which send CodeSite messages to a live display or log file during program execution.
DropMaster is a set of components for adding inter-application drag-and-drop support to Delphi and C++Builder applications for Microsoft Windows. DropMaster supports dragging and dropping text-based data, graphics, and custom formats. DropMaster comes with a collection of more than 40 sample apps, which represent the results of extensive research into the drag and drop behavior of many popular commercial applications. The TDMTextTarget component is the primary component to accept data dragged into your application from another.
Inspex is an advanced set of native VCL grid controls specifically designed for inspecting objects and other data types in your programs. From the light-weight TIxItemListEditor for editing lists of name-value pairs to the advanced TIxObjectInspector for inspecting all published properties of objects and components, there is an inspector control in the Inspex collection that will meet your needs. The TIxItemListEditor is a specialized grid control for editing a collection of items using an object inspector style interface.

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