Infinity Network Solutions is an Information Technology services company offering a variety of products and services for small- to mid-sized businesses and public sector agencies throughout the state of Georgia. The company assists organizations in reaching their maximum potential through best-in-class implementation and management of technology. The importance of having a disaster recovery solution in place is huge. We have thousands of gallons of flammable petroleum products at our facility and sit right next to a major pipeline.
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At Infinity Network Solutions, our passion is moving your business forward with technology. Years ago, in Eatonton, Georgia, long before Infinity Network Solutions was even a thought in our company founder Robert Betzel's mind, he and his brother Brian were laying the foundation for what is today a successful and enjoyable business partnership.
Now that you've learned ABOUT US, you may be wondering why you should choose Infinity as your IT services provider. It's far too easy to get lost in the day-to-day support of an organization's IT environment. If we're not careful, as an IT services provider, we could become too focused on "turning screws" or just fixing problems when, in fact, the only thing that really matters is the mission and meaning of our clients' respective operations.
Infinity Network Solutions is redefining technology's place in business operations and strategy. With our I-SUPPORT managed IT services program, your organization receives not only the technical support and guidance your staff requires, but also receives in-depth business consulting with which to plan for the future.
Creating a solid foundation for your organization's technology is one of the keys in maximizing the performance of your IT services. If overlooked or poorly-designed, the infrastructure of your IT operations can prevent the investment you make in technology from producing the results you demand. At Infinity Network Solutions, we believe a solid technology infrastructure begins with properly assessing the current state of your IT operations and reconciling that state with your desired business outcomes.

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