Scrub your hard drive for recycling without high in person fees, and without your computer leaving your home. A good "scrubbing" takes hours. We do it via remote, your computer never leaves you, and you can watch us work. Worried that a computer is being used for illegal, or immoral activity, but don't want to disrupt your home, or office.
Using our advance remote software, your computer stays where it is, we connect remotely, do the forensic copy. Your computer stays with you, we connect remotely. No in person fees, and your computer stays in place.
Using our advance remote software, your computer stays where it is, we connect remotely, do the forensic copy. Your computer stays with you, we connect remotely. No in person fees, and your computer stays in place.
At advance remote, we have developed highly advanced remote control software to provide the next tier of advanced services. For each of our services, we help you use our advance remote connection kit to start a connect to our tech, then the tech goes to work. Since the technician works remotely, your costs are reasonable.
An Expert technician remotely connects to your computer to "scrub" or "wipe" the drive. Whether donating, recycling, or even just junking that old computer, it is important that all personal information is obliterated. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. If you used the computer, then it has some personal information on it.
Hard drive failed? Computer won't boot? No recent backup? Most recovery services require you to send the drive to them. You remove the hard drive, and ship it off for recovery. Advance Data Rescue uses advanced remote control technologies to recover your data IN PLACE. Your computer stays with you in your office, we stay in our office and run the data recovery process remotely.
Are you worried that an employee is stealing corporate secretes, viewing porn while at work, or using their work computer to do something illegal. Are you concerned a family member is practicing unsafe computing practices? The first step in investigating computer usage is to make an exact copy of their existing hard drive.

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