If you need help with your business network, please call/email us today so the professionals at Sanders PC Consulting may assist. We can also help businesses in different cities or states. With our remote connect technology we can provide excellent IT business support nation-wide.
To become the leading provider of high quality, professional PC, Mac, network, server, workstation assisstance at your business. Our friendly, professional, highly trained staff can solve any computer and network problem your business has. We are located in Plano Texas and service all surrounding areas in Dallas, such as: Allen, McKinney, Frisco, Farmers Branch, Richardson, The Colony, Carrollton, Lewisville, Murphy, Wylie, Highland Park, Univeristy Park, Garland, Coppell, and much more.We also have remote connect technolgy where we can provide IT Service nation-wide.
We provide Full IT support so that you can focus on your business while we focus on your IT. Buying a New PC for your business that will last 5+ years. Providing business class backup solutions. We do not succeed unless our clients succeed. We are able to ensure your employees work efficiently and effectively based on our IT solutions which enables your business to generate more revenue.
I met Chris and asked him to examine my computer system's endless error messages, freezing and corrupted programs that were materially effecting my business. He completely re-configured my CPU and it has never worked better. His work is professional, quality and complete. I was impressed enough to pay him more than he asked.

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